
StudentSpeak – The ISBF Student Blog

Open Mic

Posted on July 23, 2020 by ISBF Media Hub  | Student Speak | Event Report

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_masonry_media_grid grid_id=”vc_gid:1604471566722-1228df5a-c346-3″ include=”6463,6464,6465,6466″][vc_column_text]Amid the lockdown that the Covid-19 has enforced upon all of us, our lives have become a constant struggle of choosing between relaxing, spending time with family, online streaming or studying for the upcoming inevitable UOL/LSE final examination.

In response to this perpetual conflict as a temporary stress buster the ISBF Media Hub (IMH)team initiated a live Open Mike event on its newly created Humans of ISBF page; A platform for all ISBF scholars and mentors to share their story.

The event required all the willing speakers to share their creativity through any method, be it a dance, a music composition, a secret recipe, poetry, story, a brief about their life in quarantine or their most memorable life experiences.

The event was hosted by the core IMH team and the guest speakers were Arnav Bhardwaj a second-year student of Business management, who spoke about his school life as an enthusiastic debater, followed by Ms. Navni Kothari, Economics faculty at ISBF and former IMH member Colin Chandana both presented a piece of poetry. After a creative discussion over the open mike the guest list was opened for the people who had joined the open mike.

The massive success of the was reflected when all the participants who were online were flooding the chat box with appreciating and cheerful comments and were flushing the screen with those color hearts on the right-hand bottom of the screen.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]